pictures of our friend, Simon Styer

This is Simon as a chick 2.5 months old.

Simon’s parents are such hard workers that we are very lucky they had the time to send us these pictures! I’m so proud of my brother and his wife, because they care so much about animals and work so hard. Their basically run a small zoo that includes 5 cats, 2 mini greyhounds, 2 parakeets, 3 ducks, a snake, a turtle named Yurtle, some fish, and of course Simon!

I’m pleased to share these pictures with you from Amanda Styer, which show Simon with his best friend Annabelle and his adopted human mom, Amanda Styer.

Is Simon giving Annabelle  kiss?

Happy Easter from Simon.Simon in his favorite tree with his mommy, Amanda.

Beautiful pictures from 2011

A’Nisa’s Paper Weaving is so beautiful! Hard work paid off.

4th graders made birds in nests. Ms. Mary Nowak gave us the idea (Thanks, Mary!)

It reminded me of the hard work all the students have done studying birds, artists who used birds as subject matter, and our special visit from Simon the parrot.

Flexagon links

Students in Ms. Thomas’s 5th grade class are just finishing theikr flexagon designs, and have learned how to flex their hexagonal pioeces of artwork. Here are some links that you might want to check out in case you want to learn more about flexagons, the math, the art, the history, and the how-to. Thanks again to Virginia Killmore of Tully Schools in Tully, NY. 

•MC Escher and Math