Art Club Update

During the 2013-2014 schoolyear, we have a large group of dedicated students who want to try their hand at updating the art blog:

Go look at my picture and make your own at It was fun. Have fun! Try your best.

This is Kasim Cooke, one of the students uptating the art blog. I went on to and made one of my one picassoheads and I tried my best like Leo, the one who put up the blog above me, said me. It really was fun!

Well, I want to say I like polka dots and hearts because you can make them with all kind of colors and draw them in all kinds of ways. I added lots of colors, my favorite colors. I was thinking of something and that thing was hearts and that’s why I drew it. I think of parents because they gave me such a great life. I want to keep this and give it to my parents. I think they will like it because they want me to be an artist.Arshi Zaman

