Last Nine Weeks!

I’m beyond excited to be entering the last quarter of this school year. It’s been a real journey teaching 31- 45 minute classes, doing Artsonia for the first time, and doing an after school STEAM Club.

As soon as we start again on Monday, we’re preparing for the big Fine Arts Night at both of my schools. Dogwood ES is doing 5:30-7:30 on April 11th. Farmington, my home school, is doing Fine Arts Night on April 25th. Being itinerant, I take an active role in both school’s Fine Arts Nights.

At Dogwood, we only have a week or two to get beautiful artworks finished and shipped back to the Artome company. At Farmington, to prep for the art show, each student chooses their best work, then I mount it for display during class time onto a piece of tagboard. It’s going to be hard trying to get everything done by our deadlines. Parent volunteers, help! We love you!


Farmington and Dogwood’s wonderful 5th graders are building trophies! They started by learning to make simple foil sculptures of the human figure, an ancient subject in the art world. Students learned about figure artists Edgar Degas, Alberto Giacometti, and Auguste Rodin, whose work is on display at the Dixon Gallery in Memphis, TN right now. They placed their unique figure sculptures on the top of their trophies, which are made mostly of recycled materials and donated masking tape (Thank you parents!!). Everyone thought of someone awesome who deserved a trophy and wrote plaques for each of them. Some kids are planning on giving their trophy to themselves, let’s be honest. And they deserve one- Most Amazing Trophy Ever Award.IMG_1963IMG_1975IMG_1984 IMG_1985 IMG_1986 IMG_1987 IMG_1988 IMG_1989 IMG_1990 IMG_1991IMG_1980 IMG_1981 IMG_1982

amazing artist

i have alot of new students. Bear with me, as I simply do not remember the name of this little dude. He tells me, “My dad uses gel medium”. I realized he meant his dad is a painter. He gave me his dad’s name and I found this amazing site!


Amazing Art Cart

This is my cart at Farmington Elementary School where I teach Monday, Tuesday, and the first half of Thursdays. I get to work Rebekah Laurenzi, who is the main Art Teacher.

art cart